
Showing posts from June, 2018

An attempt at a Silver duration!

Five hour duration. This is the one I've least been looking forward to. It's not that there's anything wrong with flying a glider for five hours, because after all we fly because it's great fun (and because we're massive children who are fortunate enough to get to play with the best toys). It's just that five hours is a long time and with gliding one poor decision could see you back on the deck at any point; but equally, a series of perfectly executed decisions could do the same if the weather doesn't co-operate for a full flying day (and we are talking about a hill site in Northern England). Since there's a currently a few of us that need to tick this one off in the near future, there have been many conversations in the bar around strategy and we have largely agreed on the principle that the best way to do it would be on a good soaring day and involving a suitably sized cross country task, so as to keep the mind occupied on other things than clock w